Hodges said...
I am in complete shock. It was Bill Drake and "Boss Radio" that led me to a long career in radio. A highlight came in 1973 when I got to work for him at KIQQ (K100) in Los Angeles. His voice will forever be heard...He was number one then....and will be number one now in rock and roll heaven. I'm sure that he's already been in touch with Morgan and Steele.
Rest in peace...
You were one of kind, Bill.
Jeffrey LeonardSaturday, November 29, 2008 11:49:00 PM PST
Bill Earl said...
Late last summer and early fall, I used the name "PHIL HERON" on Manteca's KXOK...Phil Heron was a name I made up in 1966, as a tribute to Mr. Drake, in a play I wrote back in high school. "Phil Heron" is currently on the beach, but we know Bill Drake is in radio heaven downing his famous "winkiepoos." Sad that we lost Morgan, Steele, and now Drake to lung cancer. They all smoked non-filters back in the day. Here's a winkiepoo toast to the man who changed the face of L.A. radio, and I just happened to be home from school on April 28th, 1965 (with a broken collarbone) to hear it... the birth of Boss Radio 93/KHJ.
Sunday, November 30, 2008 6:24:00 AM PSTAnonymous said...
(In regard to Drake's death from lung cancer)I smoked unfiltered Lucky Strikes for about 30 years. I quit 22 years ago.
When I was hanging out with Drake trying to get on at KHJ, and technically did for about 24 hours,
he was smoking unfiltered Pall Malls. Don Steele (years ago) smoked Alpine cigarettes which were filtered menthols. I don't know what he smoked later. Don did quit smoking but Robert W. Morgan never did.
I read that Drake had quit several years ago but it appears the damage was done.
So many in our generation smoked and it sure has taken its toll. I also think smoking in the confinement of the small on air studios, where your "own" second had smoke stayed in the air and the sound proofing acoustical tiles containing asbestos didn't help the situation.
Time and "bad habits" are catching up I guess."
Sunday, November 30, 2008 8:02:00 AM PST