This morning (Thursday, December 25, 2008) our site "consulting advisor" Bill Earl just happened to be in the Oak Park neighborhood of San Diego (he went to a Del Cerro-area" Midnight Mass" last night for Christmas) and before leaving for his Los Angeles County home this morning, made a pilgrimage to the transmitter site of 1360 AM, the SAME site (52nd & Kalmia) that was home to the legendary "136/KGB" during the Silver Age era.

Pictured is Mr. Earl outside the station's front gate with the transmitter building (left) and "stick" antenna (right.)
Notice that Mr. Earl is holding up what appears to be a 136/KGB folder which appears to have 1967-1968 "Boss Jock" Johnnie Darin's picture on it.
Also displayed is a pic of a much younger Mr. Earl, 23 years ago in 1986, outside the 136/KGB front door. Notice the same architecture.