(WE GET E-MAIL) (Artwork by "Michelob Mike.")
Hi Fellas:
The Sun-Telegram, my old hometown newspaper reported (in 1968) that one 'Daniel Arreger' (aka Danny Dare) was busted for 'drunk driving'... My assumption is that after he apparently assaulted (a) barmaid, he was popped by the local P.D. after driving away from the scene of his earlier situation.
Anyway, i do know that he served six months in the San Bernardino County Jail and was released just prior to the AFTRA strike at KFXM/KDUO-FM in the fall of 1968.
Note: i did work with Danny Dare on a few occasions during the early 1970's at some broadcasting venues that brought us together.
By the way, i have indeed been checking out the (Classic DJ) website -- and it looks promising, yes!
Best wishes for the New Year, Fellas.
(Name withheld by Editors)
OUR reply:
danny dare had quite a celebrity status in the I.E.
his picture was on Tiger Mags for years
when the police stopped him, didn't they realize just WHO he IS?
wouldn't you think they'd say, " Danny Dare..oh, wow..hey, we'll just take your car keys..give you a ride home" because of his celebrity status
aren't you as surprised as US that that did NOT happen?